Saturday, March 6, 2021

What Is Digital Body Language

Five years before the pandemic, the American author Erica Dhawan and her co-author Saj-nicole Joni came up with the term connectional intelligence. They defined this as “the ability to combine the world’s diversity of people, networks, disciplines, and resources, forging connections that create value, meaning, and breakthrough results.”

This year, she has a new book out (“Digital Body Language”) and shared some points from it in a recent Growth Faculty masterclass.

"Trust totally,” she recommended as one of the 4 laws of digital body language. “Assume others are doing the best they can and show vulnerabilities."

Here’s the challenge: When the team has different generations, like digital natives and digital adapters, as business leaders we’ll have to communicate in different ways, using different platforms. We’ll have to figure out when to collaborate and how to encourage diverse teams to do that, as well as when to let our teams work on their own. (Holy hours!)

Learning to communicate more often and more effectively takes curiosity and courage. (And the ability to recognize and recover from things like Zoom fatigue.) It’s also one of the most rewarding things we’ll ever learn to do as leaders. 

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