Showing posts with label February 2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label February 2021. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2021

GO Virtual Assistants (GO-VA) Employee Birthdays in February 2021


We couldn’t wave goodbye to February without making sure these remarkable team members know we want all the best for them in this new year! 🎉🎊

So here’s a shoutout and lots of virtual high fives and hugs for (first row, from left) Rutchie, Ellen, Earl, Kysa, Mark, Justin, Joy; (second row, from left) Kent, Kay, Joel, Gemma, John W., Gil Ivan, Crystal, Mark, Rhowell, Marih, Adrian, John R., Rio, Rhizza, Katherine, Joy; and (not in photo) Jackeilyn, Donica, and Randy!

May you find #BountifulGrowth in the year ahead!