Showing posts with label graphic design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphic design. Show all posts

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Welcome To Go Virtual Assistants (GO-VA)


Here’s a special shout-out to our new team members who met virtually with our CEO Fiona Kesby (third row, leftmost) and Chief Happiness Officer Michelle (fourth row, left).

We are so glad you’ve chosen to join us (from top row, left) Geldane, Sheena, Mary Ann, Jammie; (second row) Majorie, Roy, Nina, NiƱa Claire; (third row) Lara, Beatrice, Avelina; and Mae.

Within this group are specialists and leaders in sales, recruitment, digital marketing, energy, graphic design, organizational development, and IT and software development. They now work with a business consultancy in the health and fitness industry, an electrical contractor in Queensland, an Australian sports league, an award-winning payments solutions provider in the Australian property market, and a health and medical recruitment business.

Welcome to the tribe!

Friends, if you or your peers are looking for a more remarkable career, discover plenty of opportunities on today. Come join our tribe!